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How to Switch between Multiple PHP Version on Ubuntu

On your system, if you have installed multiple versions of PHP (eg PHP 7.4 and PHP 5.6 both). PHP 7.4 is running as default PHP for Apache and CLI. For any requirement, you need to use PHP 5.6. Then you don’t need to remove PHP 7.4. You can simply switch your PHP version to default used for Apache and command line.

For example, your server has PHP 7.4 and PHP 5.6 both version’s installed. Now following example will help you to switch between both versions. The PHP 5.6 is configured as default PHP version for Apache and CLI. Let’s make PHP 7.4 as default PHP for Apache server and CLI.

Switch From PHP 5.6 => PHP 7.4

The PHP 5.6 is set as default version in your system, and you need to switch to PHP 7.4. Run the following commands to switch for Apache and command line.


Command Line:-

Switch From PHP 7.4 => PHP 5.6

Default PHP 7.4 is set on your system and you need to switch to PHP 5.6. Now run the following commands to switch for Apache and command line.


Command Line:-

Conclusion: This tutorial helps you to switch between multiple PHP versions on Ubuntu system. This helps you to change default PHP version on your Apache server and command line interface.

Sagar Doshi

CEO / Managing Partner

[email protected]

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