
Support & Downloads

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Contact Info
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
[email protected]
+88 (0) 101 0000 000

PHP Overview

PHP is a well evolved scripting language particularly well suited for producing dynamic web pages. Custom PHP Development allows us to create interfaces for updating your website from any web browser with little need to understand any scripting languages. It allows us to create pages that provide visitors with instant updates of messages, posts, news articles and anything else you may want included with your website.

MeghRaj TechnoSoft has created our own PHP Script and all programming is codded that gives superior customer service and quick response time.


How It's Work

Slide There are many reasons to use PHP for server side programming, firstly it is a free language with no licensing fees so the cost of using it is minimal. A good benefit of using PHP is that it can interact with many different database languages including MySQL. PHP can also run on Windows, Linux and Unix servers. computer-login-cliparts animated-arrow-image pricing Icon_01 animated-arrow-image animated-arrow-image animated-arrow-image animated-arrow-image-0432 animated-arrow-image-0432 animated-arrow-image-0431 animated-arrow-image-0429 animated-arrow-image-0429 animated-arrow-image-0429 HTML SERVER FILE SYSTEM php-logo-png-transparent-images Electronic.mail Icon_01 animated-arrow-image animated-arrow-image animated-arrow-image animated-arrow-image-0432 animated-arrow-image-0431 animated-arrow-image-0431 animated-arrow-image-0431 animated-arrow-image-0431 animated-arrow-image-0431 animated-arrow-image-0429 Apache (web server) MAIL SERVER My SQL CLIENT







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